Tuesday, August 19, 2008

midnight meat train

what do you get when you go frolicking in a shopping mall wen ur supposed to qeu up for movie tickets and come waltzing in expecting tickets to the hottest summer blockbuster to still be available for ur sweet frolicky ass...the answer,simple.u dun get any tickets because its sold out hours before u get there.botH u and ur ass desperately wants to watcH a movie!!

owh de craving for larger than life white screen,broken air conditioning which leaves you ultimately with frost bites and crappy popcorn..what do u do??easy..get a movie ticket tat's not sold out(due undeniably to de fact that its just lame) and enter the movie hall fashionably late,preferbaly tumbling down a few stairs while getting there.the movie-the midnight meat train.asked my bff,"citer pe?" he confidently replied "cite hantu la kot." So i,my trustY sweater ready at hand to be of service to me if i'm freaked by tHe sight(and sound) of the supernatural took a seat and was ready to be spooked silly.the movie though dissapointed me witH its lack of the supernaturals was actuaLLy pretty decent.It Had drama!!Blood(since it turned out to be a gore flick) and lots and lots of violence(vIolence gooooooooooooooooooooooood!!)

Me and my bum was more tHan hapy to sit throUgH de movie cringing and sighing at the level of stupidity tHe caracters clearly possess..I mean has no one ever told them that nothing good could come of riding tHe midnight train..tHe name itself wud have made me run ..fasT!buT de funny thing was i cannot quite hear what the girlfriend's name was..the guy ws called Liam(very irishly hot) ,te friend was called Jurgin(he was that pharmacist guy hopelessly devoted to bree in desperate housewives),the psychopatH was mahogany. but god,what was the girl's name...maya...mye,who nows........lesson to be learnt from tIs not so very bad movie

1)If ur boyfriend/lover starts stalking a really scary looking guy and think tat He is a serial killer alive for a hundred years,believe HIM.INSTANTLY!
2) If ur bF lost his camera to tHe psychopatH.do noT become the dutiful gf u tHink u r and TRy to retrieve it back while te psychopath is not in his room.
3)If u do(due to ur annoying dutifulness u unneceseraly feel for this guy who in te end will kill you),please,dont drag ur best fren along cos de psycopath will obviously kill him or her first to add to the nail biting drama.
4)If u do decide to stalk a psychopath and take pictures of him killing ppL,pliz bring another weapon along.The pen might be mightier than the sword but tHe camera is definataly not mightier than the iron sledge hammer which will in the end be used tO kill you,you busy body yoU!

..if u like blood and lots of drama this is definately what I highly recommend.Sometimes its nice to move away from summer flicks and watch movies that have no stroyline whatsover and is just there to satisfy ur need for bad airconditioning(as I mentioned above).OF to sleep.Pray that i dun dream of sledge hammers and frozen meaT..LOL...


1 comment:

DANS said...

Uhhh...shouldn't the main issue here be, "Don't stalk anyone suspicious"??

Haha,never seen this one. But I kinda understand the urge to get the camera back from the psychopath. What if he/she decided to kill everyone that has their face in there? You never know what a psycho is thinking. =)