Friday, September 12, 2008

my favourite moNTh..

my faVourite MOnth is witout a doubt ramadhaN..i love the ambiance of this just feels special through ouT..n there is tat special bond you sHare wit your familY while you wrestle for tHe last piece of fried chicken or a strand of fried mee wHile bukak pose-not that i've ever had to wrestle my brothers(i think-bt i'll definatelY win)..and after the break fast.the terawikh session..its like good exericse.i is so the new pilates.also we tend to b a biT more friendlY during this month..maybe its all that feel good food in the tummY-and a little sleepy..i mean,as a subang person,we're not big on hostality or friendliness either(as faR as i can see) but this month we definately bring the best out of all us..ppL tend to be politer(thouGH there is also a loooooooooot of gas involved alsO-that i'm not quite a fan of)..and dont you think that the night just comes alive ???if I was to venture out at night around subang,i'd definately want like a bat right beside my driver's seat.just in case-but during this can see ppl heading to the running around playing firecrackers(I know its illegal and all bt hell it makes em happY) and suddenly the night doesnt seem so scarY.the boogeyman miGht not show after all...its to me just one big happY month.i love love love it...some people think that ramadhan is just a transition to raya which is kind of technically truE but without a doubT its a beautiful month all by lets not get to cought uP wit eid mubarak(it'll come around eventuaLLy) and enjOY the best montH of the year to the fullest..
so to alL the ppL i know-enjoy this blessed month and all it has to offeR-

HappY ramadHan.x0x0

1 comment:

DANS said...

Yesss..the food becomes extra 'sedap' during fasting month!

Oh yeah, even though it's quite take care eh Fafa? Enjoyyy...! =)