Sunday, September 7, 2008

mY new dAy resOLution

I ave finally finished my damn application for accomodation.Who knew it was so touGH..communaL kitcheN ?not to commune kicthen?well..glad thats well past over me.moVing day resOlutioN..I need to write more every day..well,updates on what ive been hollering for this past few dayS..nutHIn i did just find ouT that i ave an immense passion for shoes.not just any sHoes,high pointy sHoes..heels.wedges,kittens,pumps.U give me uncanny magical heights and 4 that i lovvvvvvvve daD said to own up to well my stumped growtH but daddy dearest,whats the poinT of technologY if i dont maKe good use of it..=) so here is a toast to those magical height defying shOEs..thank you for working hard in making me look taller..I love yoU..

p/s;like seriously,flats r just so well obvioously post,an ode to HeeLs..=)

1 comment:

DANS said...

Haha..really, u are a shoe freak. I'll be waiting for that ode..huahua..

Anyway, commenting on 'collections'...once ure into it u juz can't stop. I'd been collecting comics and games since age eight and here's the result:

Comics - 1000+
Games - 500+

..and it's adding up. Poor daddy and mommy! Haha..